Taking the Certified Product Manager Exam

My certified product manager exam is fast approaching and like any of my other certifications (CPMA, CPE, CRM, etc) I need to decide whether to take the exam and pass it with flying colors or not. So what’s so different about this particular exam?

Well, first off I want to let you know that I have taken all of the exams for each certification and passed them all! So I’m a little more prepared than some of the other people on this list, but I still thought that some of the questions on the exam were too easy.

The question that really bugged me out on the certified product manager exam was the ability to make a customer happy. In a previous article I explained why a customer satisfaction survey is an important part of the certification process, but on the actual certified product manager exam I noticed that some of the questions on the test required you to take multiple customers out of your organization and ask them one question each. It seemed like an odd thing to do, so I asked a few of my peers for their opinions, and they all suggested that the question should not be in the certification, but that you would be able to make a customer happy in a more natural way by asking a few questions during your time as a Certified Product Manager.

So it looks like the answer to my burning question was the “customer satisfaction” question on the certified product manager exam. This is a good move, as a certified product manager is basically looking over your entire operation to see what you can do to improve it, and a satisfied customer is a happy customer, but the question did seem a bit too difficult for me.

But that brings us to the real reason I am taking the certified product manager exam. This exam will help you gain the skills you need to lead in a dynamic and challenging business environment. The biggest weakness of most leaders in sales is that they are too “one-dimensional” and do not really care about the needs of their team. They focus on one aspect of the business, and that is why they cannot get the results that they are looking for.

The certified product manager exam will help you learn how to bring all aspects of the company together in one approach to achieving the desired results. I think that this is what the Certified Product Manager exam is all about. This exam is designed to teach you how to become an organization that looks at every aspect of the company in a different way, and looks at sales as a whole, sales process, sales strategy, and the way you interact with your team as a whole.

What does this mean for you? It means that when you are out doing the course work, not only do you learn how to sell your products, but you will also learn how to design the marketing plan of your products as well. You will learn how to determine what makes your products stand out from the competition and how to build your brand through your sales process. This is exactly what the CPM certification covers, and that is exactly what the certification tests and certifies you on.

So I would encourage you to take the certified product manager exam if you are a seasoned sales professional. Not only does it help you learn all of the material covered, but it will give you a better understanding of the way your team interacts with the overall company culture and how to build your marketing strategy with the team. If you feel like you have what it takes to succeed in this position, then this course work is a great investment.